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the mundane and macabre
Caitlin Kotula
A short introduction
A writer, poetess, and hopeless ruminator living in Perth/Boorloo, Australia. Her poetry and short fiction are published locally and internationally, with her debut poetry collection, WORM FOOD AND BONE SAND, released in 2022.
She was awarded an All Write Hot Desk Fellowship by Centre For Stories to assemble the bones of her next project, and served as writer-in-residence in the Nordic countryside at Arteles Creative Center, Finland.
Together, these opportunities have deepened her fascination with the poetics of place and space, feminine rage, and art as vociferation.
When not penning poems or annotating her books, Caitlin writes existential letters for her Substack newsletter RUMINATIONS, a passion project borne of far too much brooding and home to her monthly interview series
Rumour has it, one might also find her editing poetry, navigating life and death as an ICU nurse, or studying for a Master of Arts in Creative Writing.
worm food and bone sand
Worm Food and Bone Sand (2022) is a tender and unflinching debut poetry collection detailing the awkward beauty that lies within the loss of innocence and the evolution of self.
*existential dread has entered the chat*
Purchase your copy below.
"From dust, I come, and to dust, I'll return.
Worm food and bone sand,
I'll infiltrate the earth as it infiltrates me."
Writing is in her blood
Caitlin offers structural editing, copyediting, and proofreading services.
She specialises in poetry but is excited to bring any literary idea to life.